Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Looking back on happier times

This was my little franknprada. She was always the happiest part of my day no matter what. I think of her often and miss her more. I was going to edit this picture but this is one memory I want to keep just the way it is.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

A Litte Light...

I wish I could just fast forward ahead a few months. I know I will look back and admire the process someday. For right now everything just feels like it is moving in slow motion allowing me to painfully agonize over every little thing. I need to know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I need that glimmer of hope.
By Leonard Cohen

 I found this quote here.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Mmm. . .

I love pizza. Especially when it is homemade. I usually go for just cheese but these veggies just look so good. Can't wait to eat.

So, this is a very old post that I found in my draft folder. I'm sure I had intentions of adding more to it or changing it in some way. When I look at it now it has such a different effect on me. Then it was just the day-to-day happy stuff that went on in my household. It also reminds me how I used to put so much into cutting up the vegetables. A family friend calls it salad therapy. It makes you kind of slow down and live in the moment. Now, it reminds me of how different my life is and how different my life will be. I just read a quote that I think I will apply to this post:

“Our past is a story existing only in our minds. Look, analyze, understand, and forgive. Then, as quickly as possible, chuck it. ~Marianne Williamson”

With that I say goodbye to the days of homemade pizza.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Logo Inspiration

I made this picture last year for my sister to hang in her office. Now, I am redesigning her logo and need some inspiration. Hopefully this will help. I found some old drafts for posts that somehow fell through the cracks. Please take note that the next few posts will be a little dated for me but at least they will be new for you. 

Monday, August 13, 2012

Little Vera and her Blue Moose

My little monster with her best buddy Blue Moose (it's really a hippo but she doesn't know the difference). I wish life could stay just like it is in this picture. A happy little puppy snuggling with her friend by my side.