Thursday, December 30, 2010

an introduction

Since my last post I turned 30. I had a great time and I am looking forward to life as a 30 something. Christmas came and went. We decided not to renew our lease and we currently have no idea what we are going to do next. I also decided that my blog posts need to be more frequent. I do want to say that this is all new to me and I have surrendered to the fact that I need to just go for it and learn as I go. So welcome to my work in progress. Hopefully by the time someone actually reads any of my posts I will feel a little more put together.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I lost my little girl. It happened one month ago. I miss her so much.

I still worry about her. Is she happy, does she have someone to love her? Does her heart ache the way mine does? Her death was very unexpected and sudden. Although it all happened very quickly, it was very painful and traumatic. I can't help but to wonder what that does to a soul.
There are so many future plans I wish she could be a part of.
There are a million little things that she did that I miss so much. She was so sweet and she loved everyone.

I love my little piggy.