Sunday, March 20, 2011

home decor project

We recently moved and our new place didn't have any blinds. So what did I do? I bought curtain sheers that were too long. Why, you say, didn't I buy the correct size especially when the store had them in stock.
Well, you see the longer ones were on sale. I couldn't bring myself to pay more for less. I was obviously not taking into account that my time has to be worth something.
I also figured I could use the leftover fabric for another project. So we moved in and we were busy so we just hung them to get them out of the way for the time being. Then I started to think that we could just leave them at the length that they are.

Then I realized that this monster likes to get caught up in the extra fabric. Now here I am shortening curtains.
A little cutting, a little ironing and a little sewing and voila! Curtains that are no longer
too long. 

Friday, March 18, 2011

Falling in Love

I just found this really fabulous book. I don't normally look in the home decor section but I did and there it was with all of it's wonderful goodness.
Lots of inspiration, images and projects. I can't wait to try out some of the techniques.