Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Breaking the rules!!

Rule Number 1: break all rules
Rule Number b: don't make rules
Rule Number Three: never look back
Okay, in all seriousness I have a little seed that has been planted in my life. A little bit that I would like to bite. Plain and simple "Don't have any regrets." A friend shared on Facebook that she was inspired by this idea this morning while listening to the radio. I also observed these words on another friends wall yesterday:
I feel serene in knowing that I have always lived my life by this "rule." I am also grateful for the little reminders:)

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Admiration. . . .

I had a very la de da Friday. I owe it all to an old friend and a very old friend. They will always be near and dear to me. The best part about having them in my life is that they have seen the best parts of me and that's all that they see in me. They don't dwell on my downfalls. Instead they see me for who I am and who I am capable of being. We should all strive to improve ourselves in some small way. Otherwise we stay stagnant and we never learn from our mistakes. Which can only lead to unhappiness. I refuse to be unhappy and my dear friends will always be there to make sure I never become that person. For that I am grateful:)