Sunday, March 20, 2011

home decor project

We recently moved and our new place didn't have any blinds. So what did I do? I bought curtain sheers that were too long. Why, you say, didn't I buy the correct size especially when the store had them in stock.
Well, you see the longer ones were on sale. I couldn't bring myself to pay more for less. I was obviously not taking into account that my time has to be worth something.
I also figured I could use the leftover fabric for another project. So we moved in and we were busy so we just hung them to get them out of the way for the time being. Then I started to think that we could just leave them at the length that they are.

Then I realized that this monster likes to get caught up in the extra fabric. Now here I am shortening curtains.
A little cutting, a little ironing and a little sewing and voila! Curtains that are no longer
too long. 

Friday, March 18, 2011

Falling in Love

I just found this really fabulous book. I don't normally look in the home decor section but I did and there it was with all of it's wonderful goodness.
Lots of inspiration, images and projects. I can't wait to try out some of the techniques.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Lazy Sunday

What does Sunday mean to you. For some people it is the beginning of a new week. For others it is just another day. Some people may even dread Sundays because they consider it to mark the end of a weekend away from their nine to five. For me Sunday is a day that I can relax and do all the things that I like to do. Very rarely plans are made on Sundays so I get to wake up and see where the day takes me.
Today I got up and made myself breakfast and a cup of my new favorite tea. It's called passion and it's made by Tazo.
A few years back I was more of a coffee drinker but now I prefer tea. My boss always told me it was healthier. To this day I really have no clue if it is or not but I don't miss the side effects of drinking coffee. I don't miss the horrible coffee that they make at my office either. It even smells bad when they are brewing it. I've never known fresh coffee to smell bad. After a nice breakfast, some hot tea and some babbling on I am off to the dog park to socialize my monster.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Less than 4 days...

I can't believe that Valentine's Day is just a few days away.

I am finally feeling put back together after our move. It feels good to get back to normal and back to blogging. Just wanted to stop by and share my Valentine's Day inspiration. I wish I could have gotten into the spirit sooner but thankfully there is still a little time. Hopefully I will have more to share over the weekend.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Vera appliqué

This week just flew by. I have to say that there really wasn't any time for being creative. Luckily I have a project from a few weeks back that I can share. Hopefully this will inspire me and put me back on a creative path.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

For My Niece

I decided to get creative with my niece's birthday present. I let her pick out the fabric and the pattern. She picked a really cute jumper and pink fabric. I think she did a great job. I can't wait to see it on her. I'm sending it off in the mail on Monday.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Beginnings

I found this little sprout in my flower box the other day. I like the timing of its arrival. New beginnings for the New Year. Although my blog is still very new I am excited to see where it takes me. I'm also looking forward to the year ahead. I hope this year continues to bring me the inspiration and drive that it has already given me.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

With high hopes for the year to come my heart is heavy as I say goodbye to 2010. In some ways I can’t believe that an entire year has gone by but at the same time we went through so many changes that our life has transformed into something so new. It feels like the life we had at the beginning of 2010 is so far away. We said goodbye to several friends. Some went not so far away and some moved too far away. Either way we still miss being able to just walk over and knock on the door. I wish them well in their new adventures in Orlando, Gainesville, Parma Heights (Ohio), Chicago and Guantanamo Bay. We also sold our little one bedroom condo. It was our first place together. We adopted a little black pug named Vera. We thought Prada needed a friend since so many of her friends had also moved. Sadly they didn’t get the chance to become good friends. We buried Prada on October 24th and have missed her every day since. I’ve done a lot of thinking and planning over the past year. At the beginning of 2010 I guess you could say I was a little lost. Though it felt like a long process I started a journal and wrote a lot, read, researched and finally decided what I want to do with my life. I think 2011 is going to be the year of action where I can finally set things in motion.